Chapter 1: The Challenge 挑战
注1.1.Complete Letters of Vincent Van Cogh (1978), Thames & Hudson, London, p13
注1.2.Complete Letters of Vincent Van Gogh, p184
注1.3. John Carey (2006), What Good Are the Arts?, Faber & Faber, London
注1.4.Alan Heeks (2000), The Natural Advantage, Nicholas Brealey, London
注1.5.For example, Nathaniel Southgate Shaler, often described as the founder
of American geology, in Nature and Man in America, Scribner’s, 1895
注1.6.John Howkins (2007), The Creative Economy, Shanghai Ceneral Publishing, Shanghai
注1.7.John Howkins (2001), The Creative Economy, Penguin
注1.8.Joseph Schumpeter (1943), Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, Allen & Unwin, London
Chapter 2: First Ideas 首要的观念
注2.1.Tony Blair in the Guardian, 22 July 1997
注2.2.Tina Bruce (2004), Cultivating Creativity, Hodder & Stoughton
注2.3.Peter Higgs & others (2008), Beyond the Creative Industries,
NESTA (National Endowment for Science and Technology), London
注2.4.Stuart Cunningham (2006), What Price a Creative Economy?, Platform Papers,no.9
注2.5.DCMS (2004), ‘Evidence Toolkit’
注2.6.New England Foundation for the Arts (2007), The Creative Economy: A New Definition,NEFA
注2.8.Helen Trinca & Catherine Fox (2004), Better than Sex, Random House.
注2.9.John Nightingale & Jason Potts, ‘An alternative framework for economics’,
Post-Autistic Economics Review, no 10, December 2001
注2.10.Alfred Korzybski (1933,1995), Science and Sanity, Institute of General Semantics
注2.11.David Bohm (1998), On Creativity, Routledge, London
Chapter 3:Scope and Scale 范围和规模
注3.1.Rolf Jensen (1999),The Dream Society, McGraw-Hill, Joseph Pine & James Gilmore (1999),
The Experience Economy, Harvard Business School, Boston, and Michael J.Wolf (1999), The
Entertainment Economy, Times Books, New York
注3.2.The Adelphi Charter on Creativity, Innovation and Intellectual Property (2005).
注3.3.Rebecca Harding (2008),The Future Face of Enterprise DEMOS,London
注3.4.Scott Beardsley, Bradford Johnson & James Manyika (2006), ‘Competitive advantage from
better interactions’, McKinsey Quarterly, no2
注3.5.Howard Gardner, ‘Breakthrough ideas for 2006′, Harvard Business Review, February 2006
注3.6.Richard Caves (2001), Creative Industries Contracts between Art and Commerce,Harvard
University Press, Boston
注3.7.Creative and Skills Council, 2006
Chapter 4:The Adaptive Mind 适应性头脑
注4.1.Fritjof Capra (1996), The Web of Life, Harper Collins
注4.2.Lindemann called them ‘trophic’ levels (from ‘trophe’, Greek for ‘food’)
注4.3.David Bohm (1998), On Creativity, Routledge, London
注4.4.Alan Heeks (2000), Renewing Yourself, Nicholas Brealey, London
注4.5.Richard Dawkins (2003), A Devil’s Chaplain, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London
注4.6.Stephen Jay Gould (1979), The Spandrels of San Marco and the Panglossian Paradigm, Royal
Society of London, 205
注4.7.Complete Letters of Vincent Van Gogh (1978), Thames & Hudson, London, p597
注4.8.Soedjatmoko (1978), ‘The Future and the Learning Capacity of Nations’, IIC
注4.9.Martin Yarnit (ed.) (2007), Advancing Opportunity: New Models of Schooling, Smith Institute
注4.10.Edward Vul & Harold Pashler (2008), The Crowd Within, Department of Brain and Cognitive
Science, MIT
注4.11.This is based on a similar example in Richard Dawkins (2003),A Devil’s Chaplain,
Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London
注4.12.Lawrence Lessig (2000), Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace, Basic Books
注4.13.Etienne Wenger (1996), Communities of Practice, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
注4.14.C.P.Snow, Rede Lecture, 7 May 1959
注4.15.John Howkins & Zhao Li [赵荔] (2008),’Dutty’s Dare’《遭遇创意队》,Xue Lin[学林出版社]
注4.16.Charles Leadbeater (2008), We-Think: The Power of Mass Creativity, Profile
注4.17.Rabindranath Tagore (1970), Gitanjali, Macmillan
注4.18.Robert Macintosh (1992), ‘Competition: Historical Perspectives’,
in Evelyn Fox Keller, Keywords in Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University Press
注4.19.Fritjof Capra (1996), The Web of Life, Harper Collins
注4.20.David Bohin (1998), On Creativity, Routledge, London
注4.21.Satish Kumar, Editorial, Resurgence, May 2008
Chapter 5: Creative Places 创意之地
注5.1.Francis Cook (1977), Hua-Yen Buddhism: The Jewel Net of Indra, Penn State Press
注5.2.Ulrich Hilpert (1992), ‘Archipelago Europe Islands of Innovation’, European Commission
注5.3.Charles Landry & Franco Bianchini (1995), The Creative City, DEMOS, London
注5.4.Cedric Price (1965), Plan for Potteries ThinkBelt
注5.5.Richard Florida (2001), The Rise of the Creative Class, Basic Books
注5.6.Monocle, August 2008
注5.7.Peter Hall (2001), Cities in Civilisation, Fromm
注5.8.London Development Agency (2008), London: A Cultural Audit, LDA
注5.9.Jane Jacobs (1985), Cities and the Wealth of Nations, Viking
注5.10.Elizabeth Currid (2007), The Warhol Economy, Princeton University Press, Princeton
注5.11.Jaime Lerner (2003), ‘Acupuntura urbana’, Editora Record
注5.12.<www w3 org/History/1989/proposal.html>
注5.13.Yochai Benkler (2006), The Wealth of Networks, Yale University Press, New Haven
注5.14.<www cluetrain com>
注5.15.Eric von Hippel (1995), The Sources of Innovation, Oxford University Press, Oxford
注5.16.Don Tapscott & Anthony D Williams (2007), Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration
Changes Everything, Atlantic Books
Chapter 6: Negotiating Uncertainty 就“不确定性”而谈判
注6.1.Charles Tims & Shelagh Wright (2007), ‘So,What Do You Actually Do?’, DEMOS, London
注6.2.Charles Leadbeater (1999), Living on Thin Air: The New Economy, Viking, London
注6.3.Phil Rosenzweig (2009), The Halo Effect, Free Press, New York
注6.4.John Howkins (2001), The Creative Economy, Penguin
Chapter 7: The Way Forward 前行之路
注7.1.NESTA02, September 2002
注7.2.OECD, press release, 18 June 2008
注7.3.Rustom Bharucha (2003), Rajasthan: An Oral History, Penguin
注7.4.World Bank, World Development Report, 2008
注7.5.LightyearsIP (2008), Distinctive Values in African Exports
Chapter 8: New Places, New Policies 新地方,新政策
注8.1.Michael Batty (2007), ‘Complexity in city systems’, CASA Working Paper 117, UCL, London
注8.2.China Daily, 19 October 2007
Chapter 9: Three Steps to Growth 成长三步曲
注9.1.Stephen Pinker (1995), The Language Instinct, Penguin
注9.2.Nobel Foundation, press release, 1987
注9.3.Tina Bruce (2004), Cultivating Creativity, Hodder & Stoughton
注9.4.Rex Malik, ‘Can the USSR survive 1984?’, InterMedia, vol 12, no 3, May 1984